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Austin Peay football coach resigns after being arrested on human trafficking charges

Austin Peay football coach resigns after being arrested on human trafficking charges
Austin Peay football coach resigns after being arrested on human trafficking charges

Austin Peay football coach Patrick Kugler was arrested during a human trafficking investigation. The former Michigan offensive lineman was the co-offensive coordinator and offensive line coach. He was charged with one count of trafficking for sexual servitude.

His arrest came as part of an undercover operation by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation that focused on identifying individuals seeking to engage in commercial sex acts with minors.

According to CBS Sports, Kugler’s bond was set at 5,000 dollars. It is considered a Class B felony, when someone knowingly subjects or maintains another in sexual servitude or knowingly recruits, entices, harbors, transports, provides, or obtains by any means another person for the purpose of sexual servitude.

This is a crazy story, six total people were arrested in the sting operation.

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