Former Falcons star safety arrested for aggravated assault, child cruelty, and possession of a weapon in a crime

Former Atlanta Falcons standout safety William Moore is in pretty deep trouble. The former University of Missouri star was selected in the 2nd round of the 2009 NFL Draft. This past weekend, William Moore snapped at a local park and began shooting at little kids, according to reports.
William Moore is facing multiple charges following an arrest on April 23rd. According to reports, Moore was charged with two counts of aggravated assault, two counts of child cruelty, criminal damage to property, and possession of a firearm or knife during the commission of a crime.
According to reports, there were little kids playing on the playground both under the age of ten at a birthday party. The two kids were playing with one another by throwing wood chips at one another and tagging one another on the arms. According to reports, kids being kids, nothing extreme.
That is when Moore snapped and starting demanding who was the parents of the kid. The girl was their with her aunt, when she came over to Moore, He began screaming at her. She said she was going to call 911 and Moore said he did not care if she called the cops.
As the lady called the police and was reporting to dispatch what was going on Moore parked behind her car and would not let her out. A lady began driving around and pulled up next to the car and began slashing her tires.
At this point, the female was going to get out of the car, but realized that would not be smart. She began to put the car in reverse. The minute she bumped into Moore’s car, he fired a shot at her car in front of several dozen families at the park.
Moore has been arrested and is in some big trouble.

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