Family of former NFL football player Stanley Wilson Jr. believe police killed him while in custody

Stanley Wilson Jr. was fighting demons, he was definitely into drugs, and really headed down the wrong path, but he was trying to fix his issues. According to his family, they believe that Wilson Jr. did not just die while in police custody, they believe he was beaten to death by law enforcement.
The family hired an attorney to look into the matter after they reviewed photos showing Wilson Jr.’s body suffered excessive force before his death in a LA County Mental Hospital.

The pictures show abrasions on Wilson Jr.’s head and appear as if he was hit on the head or his head hit the floor. His attorney also claimed that by the wrist markings, his client was in fact cuffed at the time of the attack.
Three claims have been filed on behalf of Wilson Jr. to include one for his Mother, one for his Father and one on behalf of his estate asking for an excess of 45 million dollars.
Wilson Jr. played in the NFL from 2005 through 2007 after being drafted by the Detroit Lions.

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