NFL Free Agent Donte Rumph admits he too had contemplated suicide
When things get tough in life many people look for a way out. Some have friends they can talk to or family, while some have no one.
We will never know what was going through Adrian Robinson Jr.’s head, the former NFL player who took his own life a few days ago.
Many players may feel like they are at rock bottom, but won’t admit it. Well last night, Donte Rumph the former Atlanta Falcons defensive tackle admitted on Twitter, that he too thought of suicide.
@DonteRumphNFL: I was almost there.. Along with Adrian. I wanted to give up. This is why I truly can’t give up now. I know how he felt. My heart to the fam
Rumph was a very solid pass rusher from the University of Kentucky who recently camped out in front of the Falcons stadium for another opportunity.
Here is a Video of Donte’s Tent of Faith
Rumph is a huge believer in Christ now and knows not to give up. He knows he will spend eternal life with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So I thought it was very amazing he would be willing to admit he too had thoughts.
The hardest part is admitting you have thought’s about it. If you are thinking of hurting yourself please contact someone. Talk to them, open up and don’t do it.
From the Great Howard Shatsky remember these words:
@HowardShatsky: @DonteRumphNFL Don’t ever let the game define u. Football is what u do, not who u are. If the NFL dosent happen u still can have a gr8 life!

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