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Study conducted says kids under 14 should not play tackle football

tackleAccording to a study performed by the Center for Public Opinion at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, had some pretty interesting findings.  They interviewed 1000 people and the results were mindboggling, when it came to tackle football under the age of 14.

85 percent of respondents said it was either “certainly true” (31 percent) or “probably true” (54%) that there is a settled science that playing football can cause CTE.

Also of concern to the NFL should be the finding that 78 percent thought tackling should be introduced to kids at age 14 or later. Within that group, 36 percent thought it was appropriate for age 14 and up, 21 percent thought it appropriate at 18 or over, and 20 percent answered “never.”

And 94 percent of women responding to the survey thought it was inappropriate to play tackle football before age 10, and 84 percent opposed tackle football before age 14, according to Pro Football Talk.

I want to know what you think? Should kids under 14 be playing tackle football?

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