NFL might have to turn on their favorite player to avoid another black eye
For years the NFL has favored Tom Brady, the sixth round draft pick who rose up to win multiple Superbowls and MVP awards. Well the NFL might have to do the inevitable and punish Tommy Boy. The NFL for years has made rules to favor Brady, such as the “Tuck Rule” which cost the Oakland Raiders a chance at the Super Bowl. We all remember the diving into a quarterbacks leg rule, after Brady was injured for the entire year with a knee injury. Well the good things for Tom Brady are about to end, and should.
As a federal employee, the Government will do a lot to cover up their Golden Boy, until their Golden Boy puts them in a bind. In this case, the NFL has to make a decision and everyone around the league will be waiting for it. Will Tom Brady be hit hard, or will he walk free.
Well just like the Government, the NFL is not in the position to look like a fool after last year’s debacle with Ray Rice. The NFL looked like they were clueless and to be honest they dropped the ball. In this case, the NFL had an outside investigator look into the case. He provided enough circumstantial evidence to prove that Tom Brady did in fact have an idea that the staffers were deflating the footballs. So I feel the NFL will turn on their Golden Boy.
It is simple, why take the fall for a player that has done a lot for me in the past, when he is putting my job and my brand in a bind. I feel that the NFL will throw Tom Brady under the bus, because they do not want to be the black eye in the media again. While they are a multi-billion dollar organization, they could easily not punish Brady and say their was no smoking gun, but if they do that the entire NFL including their owners will likely vote Goodell out of office. Last year Goodell made more than Brady did, would you worry about his paycheck or yours? You do the math…..

NFL Draft Diamonds was created to assist the underdogs playing the sport. We call them diamonds in the rough. My name is Damond Talbot, I have worked extremely hard to help hundreds of small school players over the past several years, and will continue my mission. We have several contributors on this site, and if they contribute their name and contact will be in the piece above. You can email me at