Michigan CB Jabrill Peppers started a rant about the meal plan for NCAA players

Five star recruit Jabrill Peppers, now of Michigan started a twitter rant concerning the NCAA and the Michigan meal plan. Peppers claims he just wants to eat better, but many interpreted it as Peppers wanted to be paid to be an athlete. It started a huge debate on Twitter, but I can see his complaint.
Idk how the NCAA thinks we supposed to eat right with these lil indentured servant checks they give us..I Should’ve stayed in the dorms smh
— PeppyPep (@JabrillPeppers) May 27, 2015
I’m about to eat my first meal of the day & that’s Oodles and noodles smh
— PeppyPep (@JabrillPeppers) May 27, 2015
People make a story out of anything. Idc about getting paid, I just wanna keep my fridge & cabinets full so I can eat. Point blank.
— PeppyPep (@JabrillPeppers) May 27, 2015

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