Giants WR Odell Beckham Jr. is already becoming greedy; NFL players need to be paid more?

First it is fame, then it is fortune. Then it is greed, and it seems like the former Louisiana State University wide receiver is already beginning to feel that way. First it was his amazing catch, then he was given the Madden Cover for 9 games worth of playing time, and now he thinks he deserves more money.
“I think that we should make more money, personally,” Beckham told The Huffington Post when asked what he’d change about the NFL.
Beckham feels NFL players should get paid more than other sports.
“I understand that basketball plays 80-something games, baseball plays this many games, soccer plays that many games, but this is a sport where there’s more injuries. There’s more collisions. It’s not even a full-contact sport, I would call it a full-collision sport. You have people running who can run 20 miles per hour and they’re running downhill to hit you, and you’re running 18 miles per hour. That’s a car wreck. It’s just the career is shorter. There’s injuries that you have after you leave the game, brain injuries, whatever it is, nerve injuries.”

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