Peyton Manning once told Joe Thomas to crap on his GM’s desk to get traded to the Broncos

Peyton Manning is a really funny guy, and sometimes he says some funny stuff. If you have ever watched those skits on Saturday Night Live, Manning is a funny guy.
Well, when he was on the Broncos and making a push to win a Super Bowl, he told Joe Thomas to crap on his GM’s desk to get traded to Denver.
Joe Thomas told Adam Schefter on his podcast.
“It was a matter of, ‘Joe, I think you should go up to your GM’s office and make a stink. Literally, I want you to go up there, pull your pants down, and make a stink on his desk because that’s the only way Cleveland is going to trade you. That’s the only way you’re going to be able to get out of town,”‘ Thomas said. “‘By the way, you’re my drinking buddy from the Pro Bowl and I think we could win a Super Bowl this year.”‘
The Broncos made a run that year but were stopped by the Seahawks. It is pretty funny to hear this, I mean Peyton Manning is a funny guy. Gotta love hearing stories like this.

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