XFL Attendance: Week 7 Attendance slightly surpasses 36k fans in total

Do you realize that three weeks ago the St. Louis Battlehawks had 38,310 fans in attendance to break a record for an XFL game?
Well, in week 7 between all 4 games, the XFL had less in total than that game by over 2k fans.
- St. Louis Battlehawks v. Houston Roughnecks – 12,013
- DC Defenders v. Orlando Guardians – 7,011
- San Antonio Brahmas v. Vegas Vipers – 6,041
- Seattle SeaDragons v. Arlington Renegades – 11,032
Total 36,097 fans were in attendance in week 7
The XFL attendance continues to decrease week by week. It has fallen over 30k fans in attendance in two weeks.
The biggest storyling this week was the Orlando Guardians landed their first win of the season over the undefeated DC Defenders. That is a big story!

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