VIDEO of man looking like Broncos new coach Sean Payton living the HIGH life in Denver?

Sean Payton seems like a pretty relaxed individual, and I am not sure this is even him, but there have been videos surfacing on the internet today showing a man that looks much like Sean Payton hitting a bong.
We know weed is not illegal in Denver, but it is weird seeing a person believed to be a head coach in the NFL tapping the bong.
What do you think? Is it him? Do you think this truly is Sean Payton?
Barstools has been showing it today, and like I said I am not sure if it is Payton or not, or how old the video is. Either way, it is interesting. Especially during the draft. We all remember the Laremy Tunsil fiasco during the draft.
I find it interesting the video was dropped during the draft last night.

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