AJ McCarron took a 3 million dollar plus pay cut to start in the XFL, and he is now 2-0!

Sometimes football is more than just money. AJ McCarron has led two big time come back wins in the XFL for the St. Louis Battlehawks and he has been playing lights out. The XFL MVP if the season was to stop right now. The crazy thing is McCarron had opportunities to be a back-up in the NFL and make 4 million a year, but he decided to play in the XFL to start so his kids could watch him play.
The former Alabama Crimson Tide star told reporters why he wanted to play, after his comeback win last week.
Here is what McCarron told ESPN,
“Ever since I came out of college, I’ve been kind of counted out a little bit,” he told ESPN. “It’s just fun to come out here and play. I missed playing. Not always just being a backup — and that’s a great living, it really is, and I absolutely love it — but I love playing. This is special, and I can’t thank the XFL enough.”
On November 15, 2022, McCarron was drafted by the St. Louis BattleHawks of the XFL. I love that he is playing his heart out and his children are able to watch him shine!

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