Man accused of killing former NCAA football player and shooting NFL player Corey Ballentine sentenced to LIFE

It was the night of the NFL Draft, and Corey Ballentine was just drafted by the New York Giants. He was with his teammate Dwane Simmons when they were shot by Francisco Mendez. Ballentine would recover and go on to play in the NFL, but Simmons did not make it.
Today, Francisco Mendez, the man accused of killing the former Washburn University football player and injuring Ballentine has been sentenced to LIFE behind bars.
On Friday, May 27, court records indicate that Francisco Mendez has been sentenced to life in prison for the April 2019 murder of Washburn University football player Dwane Simmons.
Corey Ballentine is currently on the Atlanta Falcons and was in court to testify during the trial. Mendez killed a young man and could have easily killed Ballentine. At least Mendez, has the rest of his life to think about his actions. Unfortunately, we cannot bring back Simmons. May he rest in peace, and I hope and pray his family has some closure.

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