NFL Draft Diamonds Free Agent Interview: Elijah Lilly, Wide Receiver

Hello, I am @jrberendzen on Twitter and this is one of my free agent interviews where I ask very deserving free agents questions about the players themselves and about what a team would get in these players. All of these players should get picked up by NFL, CFL, USFL, and XFL teams and get a shot at being a career football player. So I hope you all read this interview with Elijah Lilly and follow his journey on Twitter.
What is a moment that improved you as a football player?
Being moved to wide receiver my junior year of college really helped me improve as a football player and allowed me to reach my full potential.
What past or present NFL coach would you want to learn from the most and why?
Andy Reid, because he’s a coach that gives players a chance and allows them to really develop.
What is your typical training routine?
Lift weights, run, and run routes.
What should we know about Elijah Lilly the person?
I’m a hard worker and always put God first. No matter what the situation may be I’ll always try to do my best.
What is your favorite offensive scheme and why?
No huddle, air raid offense. The fast pace offense throws the defense off and creates a lot of mismatches.
What are you looking to achieve as a football player going forward?
I’m not really looking to achieve anything as a football player. Whatever happens is a blessing. I’ll be excited to show other kids who are like me that they’re able to reach their goals when they try hard.
What NFL player do you watch the most film on and why?
Percy Harvin, because we’re similar in size and play the same. Our speed can change the game and the ability to change the game on special teams.
If there was a billboard with 5 of your traits which 5 traits would be up there?
Unselfish, hard worker, passionate, humble and dedicated.
Writer/Scout/Interviewer for Draft Diamonds since January 2020. You can find me on X at @jrberendzen and Instagram at justinberendzen