California high school football coach was arrested for giving his football players Adderall

Adderall is a banned substance in the National Football League because it increases alertness, aggressiveness, attention and concentration. It improves reaction time, especially when fatigue, so the NFL believes there’s no question it’s a performance-enhancing drug.
Anthony Fullman, a 30-year-old football coach, was arrested after he allegedly provided prescription medication to students at Portola High School. Police booked Fullman for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, furnishing a controlled substance to a minor and an enhancement for furnishing a controlled substance to a minor on a school campus.
Staff at the high school notified police on Monday that the part-time PE teacher, who is also the assistant coach of the football team, had possibly provided Adderall to a few players on the team, which sprung open the investigation. Fullman coached at Portola for the past two years.
I am not sure why you would do this, but it is a drug that is used to keep them staying focused. Amphetamines have been banned since 1995 under the NFLPA Policy and Programs on Substances of Abuse. Amphetamines such as Adderall have been prohibited under the NFLPA Policy on Anabolic Steroid and Related Substance Policy since 2006.

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