Baker Mayfield says he feels disrespected, and is not happy the way the Browns handled his situation

Baker Mayfield should be pissed, because the Browns did him dirty. Get this, he is finally opening up about the situation as well.
Baker went on the Ya Never Know: You Know What I Mean podcast with Mike Stud, and talked about the crazy off-season situation.
“The respect thing is all gonna be a personal opinion,” Baker said Wednesday. “I feel disrespected, 100%, because I was told one thing and they did another. That’s what I’m in the middle of right now.”
Baker went on to say he is looking for some stability right now.
“I’m just looking for stabilization right now, and I know what I need to know to be the best version of me and to lead an organization,” he said. “I’m in a good place right now, where, like, I have no clue where I am going.”
The Seahawks seem like the best situation for him right now, but who knows things could change. The Draft is just a few days away.

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