NFL Draft Diamonds Free Agent Interview: Christian Caviness, Running Back

Hello, I am @jrberendzen on Twitter and this is one of my free agent interviews where I ask very deserving free agents questions about the players themselves and about what a team would get in these players. All of these players should get picked up by NFL, CFL. and XFL teams and get a shot at being a career football player. So I hope you all read this interview of free agent running back Christian Caviness, and make sure you follow his journey on Twitter.
1.What type of energy do you bring onto the football field?
Competitive spirit I don’t really talk much I let my play do it honestly I like making big plays, I like feeding off the game, the atmosphere its something about it that ignites me every time to the highest degree.
2. What do you love about the game of football?
The brotherhood, the fact that I can inspire someone with my play, the life lessons within the game it all marvels me each time.
3. How do you prepare for games?
I study alot of film look for tendencies, seeing how linebackers and defensive line coordinated, from that point with the secondary I try to see what angles or weak points I can exploit. I like to watch film on Adrian Peterson before games it’s huge for me he’s a back I really try to emulate through and through.
4. Rank focus,footwork and skill. Based on what is most important to you as a football player?
My focus is high very high nothing can distract me from what I truly want an thats to be a asset to a organization. I feel my footwork is very elite I really work foot work heavy I want my feet to preach hence the name boogie. As for skill I can always improve im good yet I can be better an always strive to learn an teach myself from past mistakes. What is most important to me as a football player is who I can inspire an how many lives I can change with my platform I love to entertain yet if I have a way to help an change lives thats something I genuinely want to do with my status as a player.
5. What is your favorite workout?
Ladder I love to work my feet, great cardio you can never not get faster feet better foot placement and body positioning.
6. What NFL coach past or present would you want to learn from the most and why?
I would have to say Pete Carroll I love his energy love his insight on the game an more so life it’s very, very infectious I would very very much want to learn from him.
7. What are you hoping to achieve as a football player going forward?
I’m hoping to be able to compete, learn and just expand more as a athlete this is a blessing not a right I’m honored to be chasing after it an will be blessed an ready if an when a chance presents itself.
8. What should we know about Christian Caviness the person?
I love this game, it has shaped me in ways I truly can’t explained it’s been a voice for me when I didn’t have one, it led me to college gave me brothers so what I can say as a person is you will get a hard worker, a great teammate, a leader by action not much voice I’ll be the first in last to leave what is asked it shall be done.
9.What is a moment that improved you as a football player?
Walking away from the game for a little bit I needed to clear my mind and focus more it was and has been the best thing that happened for me I don’t regret it I needed to see it from sitting down and not playing it helped me appreciate the game and the fact I’m playing.
10. How do you handle challenges both in life and on the football field?
Work through it dont panic, RELAX that’s the beauty of life and football it can change at any moment keep your composure and be ready for the moment and act on it.
11. What is a skill that you have that you think translates into the NFL well?
I can run routes out the back field or slot or outside I feel thats huge in today’s game a back who can do it all truly.
12. What are you still learning as a football player?
Everything and I love the process it’s beautiful to pick the minds of both young an old learn see a different view I enjoy it I want to be the most complete player mentally an physically I accepted that challenge I’m not backing down.

NFL Draft Diamonds was created to assist the underdogs playing the sport. We call them diamonds in the rough. My name is Damond Talbot, I have worked extremely hard to help hundreds of small school players over the past several years, and will continue my mission. We have several contributors on this site, and if they contribute their name and contact will be in the piece above. You can email me at