West Virginia HS football player Frank Early dies in a car accident just days after graduation

Monday, Frank Early graduated from Herbert Hoover High School on Monday, and on Friday night he was killed in a car accident in Lincoln County, West Virginia.
The 18-year-old, who just received his diploma last Monday with his Hoover classmates at the Charleston Coliseum and Convent Center, died from injuries suffered. Herbert Hoover Football’s Twitter account posted this on their timeline.
With great sadness that we learned of the tragic passing of our classmate, teammate, brother, and friend Frank Early. He will be missed by all that had the pleasure of knowing him. The Husky Family stands in solidarity, thoughts and prayers with Frank’s family and close friends. pic.twitter.com/bJ0ns89eXn
— Herbert Hoover Football (@HHHuskiesFB) May 29, 2021
Please keep the Early family in your prayers. This is such tragic news. A candlelight vigil is scheduled for tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Herbert Hoover football field at Falling Rock.

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