Fighting for a Dream: Welcome to Denmark | Football Is A Worldwide Sport
Playing in the National Football League is always the dream, but for so many athletes from the United States, fighting for that dream is what drives them to compete. For Aaron Ellis and other imported athletes from the United States, playing football in Denmark is the key to keep playing so that, maybe, one day their NFL dreams come true. Join Aaron Ellis and the Søllerød Gold Diggers this season, as they compete for the DAFF Championship, and the hopes to chase a Mermaid Bowl title as well. This will be a season like no other.
The Unhinged Sports Network brings you a season-long journey of the Søllerød Gold Diggers and the quest for American Imports to keep FIGHTING FOR A DREAM!

NFL Draft Diamonds was created to assist the underdogs playing the sport. We call them diamonds in the rough. My name is Damond Talbot, I have worked extremely hard to help hundreds of small school players over the past several years, and will continue my mission. We have several contributors on this site, and if they contribute their name and contact will be in the piece above. You can email me at