Draft Diamonds Free Agent Interview: Daniel Wise, Wide Receiver/Returner
Hello, I am @jrberendzen on Twitter and this is one of my free agent interviews where I ask very deserving free agents questions about the players themselves and about what a team would get in these players. All of these players should get picked up by NFL, CFL, and XFL teams and get a shot at being a career football player. So I hope you all read this interview of Daniel and follow his career on Instagram @wisesaucy
1.Rank focus,footwork and skill based on what is most important to you as a football player and explain why?
- I think focus, footwork and skill all tie into 1 so I would rate all of them high. We all have heard the saying football is 90% mental so that’s the focus. Footwork and skill is important because you now have to apply your athletic abilities to the game itself.
2.What do you do for fun?
- I run a couple businesses, and training the youth is one of them. WiseCertified LLC , yes it is work, but it’s more like fun because I love what I do. I love to see my athletes excel.
3.What is your mindset when you are on the football field?
- Put all the practices into this game and give my all. Don’t worry about negatives, I’ve prepared for the moment.
4.If you could hang out with any football player past or present for a day who and why?
- Ed Reed or Ray Lewis, because I’d like to ask them about pre-game thoughts and what motivates them.
5.What is your favorite stadium that you have played in?
- Cowboys stadium in High School, and Tokyo Dome while I was in Japan.
6.What has been your biggest challenge in life?
- When I became a father, I wanted to be the best at my job (football) but I also wanted to be the best father I could be. I’m still accepting the challenge of being able to balance both. Which has been pretty cool.
7.What is your favorite workout?
- Hill sprints by far, or anything working on my craft.
8.What made you decide you wanted to be a football player?
- I was a huge fan of Ray Lewis growing up , so between watching him and watching the Denver Broncos. It pushed me to wanting to be an athlete.
9.What do you hope to achieve still as a football player?
- I want to play pro for the next 10 years, I want to keep trying to run faster than a 4.39 40 yard, I also want to keep maturing as a leader.
10.What would a team get in a player like you?
- A leader, someone who is willing to buy into a system, a winner, and a great teammate and brother.
11.If your life was a tv show what would you call it and why?
- I would call it ESPN , because I love the game of football and talking about it and coaching it is a passion as well.
12.What are your favorite moments from your football life?
- 7th grade won city championships in Amarillo Texas, and Winning a D2 national
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