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Deandre Baker turns himself in to the police, Attorney says they have video evidence to clear him

Today Deandre Baker of the New York Giants reportedly turned himself in to police. Quinton Dunbar, on the other hand, has not that we know of. Yesterday, a report came out that Dunbar’s attorneys had sworn affidavits from the men who talked to police that night that Dunbar was innocent. All five men signed the affidavits as well according to the report.

As for Deandre Baker, he turned himself into police around 9:30am.

Deandre Baker Mugshot
Deandre Baker’s attorney believes he will be exonerated of all charges

Bradley Cohen the attorney for Deandre Baker feels his client will be exonerated of all charges. He says his client has video evidence that will clear Baker.

“Police reports are just that, reports of what was told to them or said to them,’’ Bradley Cohen, Baker’s attorney, posted on his Instagram account. “Court is what we use to then examine those reports, investigate those claims, and allow the Defendant an opportunity to confront the evidence. Don’t rush to [judgment].”

“We will be presenting the trove of evidence we have obtained over the past 3 days to the judge at the right time,” Cohen wrote Saturday in an earlier Instagram post that contained a misspelling. “7 affidavits exonerating my client and video evidence.”

I am telling you, I feel this whole thing will be thrown out. Especially if Baker has video evidence. Unless the victims have video of them pulling out weapons and going Scarface, I cannot see them losing.

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