NFL Draft Diamonds Prospect Interview: Malcolm Bell, QB, North Carolina Central University

NFL Draft Diamonds has been bringing our readers Prospect Interviews over the past 3 years and this year we mixed up the questions and added some fun questions for our readers. Our questions are designed to give our readers a little more insight on the player. We hope to bring you more than 350 interviews of NFL Draft Prospects this season. You will be able to track them all on the front page of our website in the banner to the right. Now let’s meet the prospect!!!!
What is your name?
Malcolm Bell
What is your Height/Weight?
6’0″ 198lbs
What is your position?
Where do you play college football?
North Carolina Central
Football is about giving back, what is the coolest thing you have done off the field?
Participating at the Boys & Girls club for a day in Norfolk, VA. I had a lot of fun just socializing and playing around with the kids.
What was the hardest college class you ever had to take?
Accounting II
Where are you from?
Richmond, VA
Who is your role model, and why?
My Dad, he is a great example of a hard working man and I value everything he has taught me through the years.
Did you play any other sports growing up?
Soccer and Basketball
Did you play any other positions in football?
Wide Receiver
At your position, what separates you from others?
My ability to make defenders miss in the open field like a skill player and extending plays with my legs.
When you are breaking down film, what do you look for?
The best defensive players, coverages and fronts, and tendencies.
Who was the toughest player you ever faced?
Jeremy Cash from Duke
If you could compare your play to one player in the NFL who would it be and why?
Tyrod Taylor, because he is an accurate passer with the ability to be an effective runner.
Do you have any pre-game rituals?
Not really
As a small school football player what obstacles do you feel you have to overcome?
The exposure and not being able to play on TV every week so people can actually witness the good things you do on the field.
What is your biggest strength?
Keeping plays alive.
What is your biggest weakness?
My height.
If I were a GM and gave you a second to sell yourself, what would you say?
Don’t look at my measurements, I’ve always found ways around being a “shorter” quarterback. I am also athletic enough to transition to another position if asked too. Also, never count me out, I’ve always been a great playmaker no matter what school or level of competition I’ve been up against (FBS schools)
Who was your favorite player and/or NFL team growing up?
Washington Redskins
If you could have dinner with three people dead or alive, who would you choose?
My mother, Barbara Bell and my two deceased grandmothers, Mildred Wood & Hazel Barnes.
With your first NFL paycheck what would you buy?
I honestly don’t know, haven’t really put much thought into it. Just trying to make it there first.
Rapid Answers:
- Who will win the Super Bowl? New England Patriots
- Whose better Peyton Manning or Tom Brady?
- Better Running Back Adrian Peterson or Barry Sanders?
- Better safety Eric Weddle or Ed Reed?
- Better linebacker Ray Lewis or Luke Kuechly?

NFL Draft Diamonds was created to assist the underdogs playing the sport. We call them diamonds in the rough. My name is Damond Talbot, I have worked extremely hard to help hundreds of small school players over the past several years, and will continue my mission. We have several contributors on this site, and if they contribute their name and contact will be in the piece above. You can email me at