Grand Jury will hear Johnny Manziel’s domestic violence case on Thursday

If Johnny Manziel’s career is not over already after being cut by the Cleveland Browns, by Thursday, his career might be over for good. According to the Associated Press, Johnny Manziel’s case for Domestic Violence will be heard on Thursday by a Grand Jury. This is what the Associated Press reported:
Prosecutors will present the Manziel case to a grand jury Thursday, Brittany Dunn, a spokeswoman for the Dallas County district attorney, said Tuesday. The grand jury could announce an indictment as soon as Monday. Police originally presented a misdemeanor assault case to prosecutors. That charge carries a maximum punishment of one year in jail and a $4,000 fine.
Manziel, a former Cleveland Browns quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner at Texas A&M, is accused of hitting his ex-girlfriend Colleen Crowley so hard that she temporarily lost hearing in one ear.
Crowley requested and was granted a protective order against the 23-year-old quarterback that prevents him from seeing her for two years.
It sounds like Johnny Football’s chances of return are slim. I am willing to bet that Drew Rosenhaus will fire his client soon.

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