Seahawks newest cornerback takes a huge shot at the NFL, Biblically

Will Blackmon has not been with the Seattle Seahawks very long, but it doesn’t matter. The newest member of the Legion of Boom made a very funny comment on Twitter that is being overlooked by many.
Will Blackmon @willblackmon
For Goddell so loved the NFL he gave his one and only son… Roger 3:16
Blackmon is basically saying, that he sacrificed the Face of the NFL for the league itself. It sounds like a major jab at the NFL and the Patriots. It is a pretty interesting comment for a guy that has played on 4 different teams and an Arena Football League team….
- Green Bay Packers (2006–2010)
- New York Giants (2010–2011)
- Arizona Rattlers (2013)*
- Seattle Seahawks (2013)*
- Jacksonville Jaguars (2013–2014)
- Seattle Seahawks (2015–present)

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