Is the NFL turning into a soap opera?
I love and watch the game of football for many reasons and one of those reasons is to see people getting hit. Recently, Roger Goodell and company continue to make the NFL soft. They are trying to take away sound tackling and power hits which defined the NFL.
Not only that we are having crazy announcements before the draft like players being Gay and having girlfriends that are make believe, honestly what is next?
This year the entire world had to deal with bullying in the NFL, a sport where you are supposed to bully someone, especially on the field. Maybe I am getting a little carried away here, but the only thing they can do now is legalize marijuana for football players. Shoot, everything else that has drama has already occured. What will they come up with next?
I am honestly dumbfounded by the recent events in the world let alone the one thing that use to take me away from the world. I watch ESPN to not see the people being killed in Afghanastan and the war on drugs in America, but lately ESPN has been worse than CNN. I guess it is the new times, but the world continues to get farther away from reality everyday. Eventually, HE will come don’t get caught up in the drama.
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