2025 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: X’Avier Allen, ATH, Texas Southern

- Name: X’Avier Allen
- Position: Specialist/ATH
- College: Erskine College & Texas Southern
- Height: 6’0”
- Weight: 205 lbs
- Twitter: @903zaytoven
- Instagram: @ag.zayway
What makes you a top prospect at your position in the 2025 NFL Draft?
Being a specialist may seem minor to some, but I understand that in crucial moments, special teams are needed to make game-changing plays. I bring an unselfish attitude and a sense of pride to the positions I play on special teams, and I’m constantly finding ways to improve and learn daily.
What is one thing NFL teams should know about you?
Without God in my life, the opportunities I’ve been given wouldn’t have been possible. Because of that, I embrace and truly appreciate every situation, good or bad, knowing that God will make a way. He continues to teach me valuable lessons about perseverance and staying strong through challenges. I’m willing to play any role and contribute in any way that benefits the team.
If you could donate to one cause in the world, what would it be?
I would donate to an organization that supports single-parent households in minority communities. Growing up in a single-parent home shaped me, prepared me, and forced me to grow up faster. I know firsthand how tough it can be. I remember my mom feeling helpless when resources were low, and while we didn’t always get help, we received blessings. That experience made me want to give back and create a lasting impact for families in similar situations.
Who was your role model?
Honestly, LeBron James. I relate to his story, especially his upbringing—being raised by a single mother, moving from place to place, and using basketball as a way out. His drive and passion for the game inspired me, showing me that to achieve something different and extraordinary, you have to be different.
Who is your favorite NFL team?
The Dallas Cowboys (on a good day).
Who is the most underrated teammate at your school?
TSU WR Kerien Charlo. He’s a guy who has persevered and fully bought into the process. He was always there with me, constantly encouraging me, and when I became part of the leadership team, he helped push our new culture forward. His ball skills are amazing—he’s fast, shifty, and savvy both on and off the field. KR, PR, slot, jet sweeps, jet screens—you name it, he can do it.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
People not tapping into their full potential. It bothers me to see someone with greatness inside them who doesn’t recognize it or refuses to challenge themselves, even when they have encouragement, reassurance, and support.
Who is your favorite teacher ever?
I can’t name just one. Every favorite teacher I’ve had has inspired me or helped shape me into who I am today. They saw leadership tendencies in me and also recognized the areas I needed to improve in order to fulfill the plan God placed me on Earth to pursue. So, I have to acknowledge April Johslin, Tanisha Jones, Nancy Caraway, Cade Longworth, Dan Gay IV, Shaquinta Petty, Heidi Bryant, Aubrey Killman, and many more—the list keeps going!
Overcoming adversity defines character. What was the hardest moment in your life to overcome?
During my senior year of high school, in the middle of football season, I got sick with mononucleosis. It humbled me. I lost weight, lost friends, lost my girlfriend, and, most painfully, lost the ability to be on the field with my brothers. That situation shook my focus and made me doubt if I’d ever play college football.
But my village—and most importantly, God—kept me going. I came back healthier, more vocal, and more appreciative of every moment. I embraced my final high school season and playoffs like never before. That experience reminds me daily to keep pushing because the game can be taken away at any moment. Without faith, prayer, and belief in a positive outcome, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
If you could have any franchise restaurant in your house, what would it be?
Chipotle, without a doubt. I might even add breakfast tacos and wraps to the menu too.
What is your favorite snack food?
Baked Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.
What is your degree in?
• Bachelor of Science: Sports Management
• Master of Arts: Communications (Production & Film)
If you could have dinner with three people, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
• Jesus – I would want to hear his thoughts, understand his kindness and gentleness, and ask how he could sacrifice himself for us without even knowing us personally. I’d also ask for guidance on how to navigate life through his eyes and words.
• Kobe Bryant – I’d want to know what made him dig so deep and how he continuously elevated himself to become a legend.
• Carter G. Woodson – As the creator of “Negro History Week” in 1926, I’d love to hear about his passion and vision. How did he keep pushing despite backlash and rejection? How did he persevere and turn that vision into what is now Black History Month?
What is your biggest weakness?
Overthinking and trying to impress others without considering my own feelings, even when that effort isn’t reciprocated. But despite that, I always find a way to forgive and not hold grudges.

NFL Draft Diamonds was created to assist the underdogs playing the sport. We call them diamonds in the rough. My name is Damond Talbot, I have worked extremely hard to help hundreds of small school players over the past several years, and will continue my mission. We have several contributors on this site, and if they contribute their name and contact will be in the piece above. You can email me at nfldraftdiamonds@gmail.com