Former Rice Football Player Accused of Sexual Assault Kicked Out of Court by Judge

Former Rice Owls standout linebacker Cameron Nwosu who was a beast in 2012 racking up 92 tackles, was kicked out of the court room this week by the judge.
Nwosu is in court because he was accused of sexually assaulting his girlfriend of three months at gunpoint.
According to prosecutors, the two were at a cigar club when the girlfriend upset Nwosu causing him to take her to the ground and strangle her. The security guard was able to break them up.
Nwosu would eventually go to the woman’s house and tell her he would call the police if she did not let him come in and get his stuff.
That is when he made her go the bathroom strip her clothes, get in the bathtub, and then perform a sexual act on him at gunpoint.
The crazy thing is the judge was not having the smart remarks from Nwosu. She actually kicked him out of the court room.
Nwosu’s bail was set at $600,000.

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