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Another Dolphins player was sued for allegedly giving a sexually transmitted disease to a partner

Another Dolphins player was sued for allegedly giving a sexually transmitted disease to a partner
Another Dolphins player was sued for allegedly giving a sexually transmitted disease to a partner

Last year, there was news that Xavien Howard reportedly gave his partner an STI, and although Howard disputed the news, it sounds like another lawsuit popped up in South Beach saying the same thing.

The wild thing is the Miami New Times, claims it is a different player, and is not Howard.

According to a lawsuit filed in late 2023, a different Dolphins player infected his then-girlfriend with genital herpes after failing to warn her that he was carrying the virus.

The plaintiff claimed that several months after she noticed lesions on her partner, the couple underwent STI testing. According to the complaint, both subsequently tested positive for oral and genital herpes, a common, incurable virus that causes painful blisters.

The lawsuit claimed the player “owed a duty” to his ex to either refrain from sex or warn her that he was infected.

The Miami Dolphins player’s identity was attempted to be redacted by covering names with black boxes. However, the name was easily seen through with a simple copy/paste of the contents. However, the Miami New Times refused to release the identities to respect their privacy.

The lawsuit is still pending, but neither attorneys for the case are actively pursuing action. It sounds like a settlement could have already been reached…..


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