Alabama offensive lineman recruit compares Nick Saban to Moses | Is he the GOD of college football?

Casey Poe the massive four-star offensive lineman from Texas recently committed to Alabama, and his comment about Nick Saban is amazing.
Poe was asked by On3 about Nick Saban and why he chose Alabama and his comments were pretty cool. He compared Nick Saban to Moses, saying when he walks the people split, and then said Saban is the God of College Football. Here are his comments:
“I can remember last year when I went to Alabama camp in the summer and when I went back for the spring, each time I remember as soon as Nick Saban walks in, you get a buzz. You can feel it from the other side of their indoor (facility) … it’s like Moses parting the Red Sea,” Poe told On3.
“He walks in and people split. There’s a hush that falls over everybody. His reputation and everything he’s built falls into that moment. He isn’t necessarily a loud person; his voice isn’t booming, but it was so quiet that you could be 100 yards away and still hear him.”
“He’s like the God of college football when he walks in the room,” Poe explained. “It’s easy to see it with all the success he’s had, the coaches he has have a very high standard and his presence is like an aura.”
Do you agree that Nick Saban is the God of College Football? He has been an amazing coach over the years.

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