Daughter of Ex-NFL Football player tragically dies in plane crash at Airshow

Bruce Collie was a loved football player and a Super Bowl Champion of the San Francisco 49ers. He was picked in the 1985 NFL Draft, and played for five seasons before finishing his career with the Eagles.
Both he and his daughter had interest in planes, and his daughter was a pilot. Devyn Reiley his daughter was tragically killed in an airshow this weekend when he plane crashed into Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin.
The aircraft began spinning before it splashed into the lake. Reiley was not alone, there was a 20 year-old man as well, but his name has not been reported.
Reiley, who co-owned a New Braunfels-based flight school with her husband Hunter, was in Wisconsin for the Experimental Aircraft Association’s annual fly-in convention in nearby Oshkosh. One of the largest aviation events in the country, AirVenture draws 10,000 planes and more than 600,000 attendees.
Devyn was 30 years-old and the oldest of 13 siblings. Please keep the family in your prayers during this tragic situation.

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