Cole Beasley talks about how the Bills fans and organization turned on him after he refused vaccine

Cole Beasley is a leader and a hard worker. No one can take that away from him. He came to Buffalo and worked his ass off, and now the former Bills wide out will work out for a team on the 21st of this month. He would not tell Outkick who he was working out for but he was in Orlando working out with Gabe Davis and Matt Milano.
Beasley was asked about his time in Buffalo and how things changed after he refused to take the vaccine and he opened up about it.
“Buffalo changed for me after that,” Beasley said. “It was different in the organization, it was different in the facility and it was different with the fans as well. I went from, like my first year there, I loved Buffalo and I found my love for football again there. And I appreciated that. But once Covid hit, all that kind of changed.”
Beasley said his teammates stood by him, and his production continued for the Bills through COVID. Beasley did not want the shots, like many Americans but he was crushed by the fan base. Beasley said things became tough for him after that.
“And it’s all politics. It’s crazy,” Beasley said. “It’s almost like they forgot who I was before that. I don’t know, there was just a big change after that. It was kind of tough for me after that.”
Beasley said the team and the people in the organization were the ones that bothered him the most not the fans. He said he dealt with crap from fans, but when people in the building gave him crap he struggled with it.
“I mean the fans are one thing, but the people in the building is another thing,” Beasley said. “That affected me more so than the fans. I’ve always dealt with fans giving me [crap], even in Dallas. So that was something I could deal with. But when you start seeing changes within the organization, with how people are treating you there, that’s a different deal.”
Was Beasley wrong for not taking the vaccine? I guess that is up to the people’s opinions, but in his defense the Johnson and Johnson shot was ineffective and they stopped using it in the US, and Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were taken off the market by the FDA in 2021.
The NFL announced in the spring of 2022 it would no longer require any Covid-19 vaccines for anyone.
So why did the fans and organization turn on him? Makes you wonder, but that is what happens when you go against the grain. I respect his decision but others did not.

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