Adam Schefter claims Lamar Jackson turned down a 200 million dollar fully guaranteed contract | Lamar Responds

Did Lamar Jackson really turn down a 200 million dollar fully guaranteed contract from the Baltimore Ravens? Adam Schefter reportedly stated this and it was enough to get the Ravens QB to talk on Twitter.
According to Adam Schefter via his podcast, Lamar turned down a deal from the Baltimore Ravens with $200 million in guaranteed money.
“Chris Mortensen and I reported on this last September, when Lamar Jackson was offered a deal that he turned down. A deal that included at the time he was offered $133 million due at signing,” Schefter said. “$133 million guaranteed. The contract also had injury guarantees that brought the guarantees to $175 million and it then had a springing guarantee that could’ve brought the value for the contract, the guaranteed money of the contract to $200 million in guarantees… and yes, those were the actual numbers and that was the situation. So those really were the guarantees for Lamar Jackson.”
Lamar quickly responded on Twitter with 133/3years fully guaranteed😒 but I need a agent?
He then continued to say this.
It is really strange right now that Lamar is getting treated the way he is. I hope he ends up walking away with a big pay day, because this is pretty sad.

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