Former Buffalo Bills Marcellus Wiley has an issue with transgenders playing women’s sports | Video

Marcellus Wiley is a very smart person. The former Buffalo Bills defensive end who played college football at the Ivy League’s Columbia University damn near broke the internet last night when he talked about transgenders playing women’s sports.
Wiley has daughters and he said he would be damned if he allows his daughters to have to face a biological man. He continues to talk about the subject and many in the comments section are crushing him.
Wiley makes an interesting point. He says that the 100 meters for men is around 9.58 while the women’s fastest time is around 10.8. Wiley feels transgender women should not compete against Biological Women. Do you agree or disagree?
Wiley says if you truly want to empower women, compete against biological men and beat them as a transgender.

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