USFL debut surpasses XFL and AAF debut’s with 3.5 million views

The USFL debuted on Saturday Night and it was a huge success. There were around 17,500 fans in attendance with crappy weather. We are hearing they sold 40,000 tickets.
The fans showed up big time watching the games on television.
The USFL peaked around 3.5 million viewers around 10:45 pm.
That surpasses the AAF and the XFL. The AAF drew 2.9 million for its CBS debut on a Saturday night in 2019. The XFL debut in 2019 racked up 3.3 million on a Saturday afternoon in 2020.
This is great, but the weather for the games so far has been horrible. They had to reschedule a game from yesterday to tonight. Hopefully the Monday Night game will get the fans pumped up again.

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