2020 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Jamal Ware, DB, Maryville College
- Name: Jamal Ware (Jware)
- Height: 6’1
- Weight: 210
- Position: Rover/Nickle/Edge Rush
- College: Maryville College
- Twitter: Jware10_
Tell us about your hometown, and what you love most about it?
- I come from Bessemer, Al and what I love the most about my city is the tough love it teaches. In Bessemer, getting a dollar is hard to come buy so being from there taught me how to go get it when nobody would give it to you.
List these three in order of importance and why: Film Study, Strength and Conditioning and Practice?
- Film is #1 because, if you outthink your opponent or know their tendencies before the game, you can use them against them during the game. Conditioning and Practice is second because this aspect of football should be harder than the game, and when it is time perform late in the game your body would just now be kicking in the second wind. Lastly, is strength because knowing your opponent, and being able to out execute will allow you to earn a slight edge over your competition.
What do you worry about, and why?
- I worry about my parents well-being the most, because I’m the only child and do not have any siblings to do siblings related activities with/for their parents. Second is school, only because my school is hard and it seems like we always have something new to do.
Give me an example of when you failed at something. How did you react and how did you overcome failure?
- I don’t have a specific example, but I know in my early childhood I use to want too much too quickly or just doing too much too fast and I have to realize that time and patience will be my best friend.
What do your teammates say is your best quality?
- Leadership and being very vocal. Being able to take control of the defense and not having an issue of not being liked by peers but they all respected me because I demanded their best.
Who is the best player you have ever played against in college?
- Mason Kinsey
What would your career be if you couldn’t play football?
- Athletic Administration to become a positive influence in young males.
Room, desk and car – which do you clean first?
– Car because I like that new car smell, and fresh wash with a recently filled tank rides so much smoother. Desk, next because I feel like that would be where I deal with a lot of people and make important decisions. Room lastly because that’s “supposed” to be my sacred room in the house. Room can show more personality than realized.
If there was a disaster and you could either save three strangers or one family member, which would you choose and why?
- My family member, because I have a strong relationship with EVERYBODY that I consider family, and I know I wouldn’t be thinking twice as if I made the right decision.
If you could be any television or movie character, who would you be and why?
- Denzel Washington, because I feel like in every movie he plays in he has a meaningful purpose in it, and I try to be that friend that is depended on.
Tell me about your biggest adversity in life and how you’ve dealt with or overcome it?
- I honestly have not had much adversity in my life, all immediate family is alive. But what I will say is my entire athletic career, regardless of sport I have always been overlooked or told “ I don’t think this is for you” and now I’m showing everybody it can be done.
What is your most embarrassing moment?
- Moving in with my dad, and during the time he drove a Van so all my friends at the time used to laugh at me when he would come pick me up.
What was the most memorable play of your collegiate career?
- Diving interception against Centre College.
What song best describes your work ethic?
- Versatile, Kodak Black
What is the most important trait you can have (Physical or Non-Physical) to help you succeed at the next level?
- Instincts, and its important because every player does not have instincts that are as well as mine.
If you could bring one person back from the dead for one day, who would it be and why?
- My grandad because everybody from home tells me how great of a man he was, and how he instilled good morals in the men in my family.
If you were to open a dance club, what would you name it?
- Hunchooo’s
Who is the most underrated player in the NFL?
- Josh Rosen
Would you rather be liked or respected, and why?
- Respected, because people will know what they can/can’t do/say when they are around, and they know what you expect out of yourself and them as well.
What player who had his career derailed by off-field issues do you feel for the most and why?
- Ricky Williams, and drugs of course and I do feel for him in a sense because marijuana is on the rise and more players are open with their use of the drug, but at the same time I do not feel bad because he know what he should not have done that.
Do you love to win, or hate to lose?
- I hate losing, but I do not consider myself taking loses just lessons.
Who has been the biggest influence on your life and explain why?
- My dad, he has taught me how to become the ultimate man in life. He has showed be the ropes of life, the up’s & down’s how to go about things, say things, just become a better me every day.
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