2020 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Ryan Stokes, WR, Texas A&M Commerce

- Name:Ryan Stokes
- Height: 6’3
- Weight:200
- Position: Wide Receiver
- College: Texas A&M Commerce University
- Twitter: @Ryan__Xavier
Tell us about your hometown, and what you love most about it?
• I’m from St.louis MO and I love that my family lives there and it’s always a place I could call my happy to be from St.Louis.
List these three in order of importance and why: Film Study, Strength and Conditioning and Practice?
• Conditioning and Practice being in shape and knowing how to practice and working own technique is important to stay on top of your game. Film Study breaking Down you opponent and knowing what he might do tendencies that he have so you can expose doing the game. Strength I put last because strength comes from within heart and pride will take you a long way in the game.
What do you worry about, and why?
• I worry about providing for my family my two kids and fiancée I want them to have everything I didn’t. I don’t want to have to live check to check I want life to be fun travel across the world to see different life styles.
Give me an example of when you failed at something. How did you react and how did you overcome failure?
• I had a car in high school and I could not afford to get the breaks done so I looked up on YouTube how to change breaks and tried it out for a second I was doing everything right I thought so I messed up had to go back to the video and look figured out what the problem was and moved forward we’ll I thought that I was done so I tried to test it, once I started driving I had to hit the breaks and they did not work while going ten miles and hour down the street I had know breaks so I had to figure out what to do and this was my first time so I went to the end on the video to see and I was suppose to bleed the breaks and finally I kept pushing the breaks and they worked.
What do your teammates say is your best quality?
• My teammates say that I am a cool teammate and that I might be a little goofy at times.
Who is the best player you have ever played against in college?
• The best player I ever played against in college would have to be Ricky Barfield
What would your career be if you couldn’t play football?
• I would be a Correctional Officer or a Probation Officer because I have always been interested in the shows that they had and it made me want to become one
Room, desk, and car – which do you clean first?
• My room is always clean I don’t have a car but I’m pretty sure if I had one it would be clean and my desk is for the most part.
If there was a disaster and you could either save three strangers or one family member, which would you choose and why?
• I would want to save all but if I had to choose I would choose my family but not without trying to get everyone out.
If you could be any television or movie character, who would you be and why?
• I would be spider man my favorite character is spider man and my football nick name when I was younger use to be spider man.
Tell me about your biggest adversity in life and how you’ve dealt with or overcome it?
• The biggest adversity in my life was moving from St.louis to California. Big cultural change for me no one could understand me it was hard to get around very expensive I had to work and go to school to help pay bills but I manage to make it out and continue my education and football dream.
What is your most embarrassing moment?
• My most embarrassing moment is when I was in fourth grade my I was playing for a basketball ball team and my mom did not like what was going on with the team so she stripped me out the uniform and I had to walk out the court with my underwear and no shirt on in front of maybe 300 people.
What was the most memorable play of your collegiate career?
• the most memorable play of my collegiate career was a sixty four yard deep ball what made it memorable is because I scored three times before that ball same drive and they where all call back so I ended up scoring four touchdowns in one drive just to get one.
What song best describes your work ethic?
• Lud Foe ambitious of a rider
What is the most important trait you can have (Physical or Non-Physical) to help you succeed at the next level?
• Great personality and work ethic people love someone who is great all around and strive to be better everyday
If you could bring one person back from the dead for one day, who would it be and why?
• I would bring my Aunt Debbie back I loved my aunt so much and she was my kindergarten and first grade teacher so we spent a lot of time together also was my favorite aunt
If you were to open a dance club, what would you name it?
• Foxy’s night club I would name it this because it sound like it would make a lot of money and I would go to a dance club called Foxy’s
Who is the most underrated player in the NFL?
• Jordan Howard
Would you rather be liked or respected, and why?
• I would rather be respected because people can like you but not respect at the same time.
What player who had his career derailed by off-field issues do you feel for the most and why?
• Micheal Vick because he was on top and mostly everyone favorite quarterback back and know we just know of him which h could have been something so much better.
Do you love to win, or hate to lose?
• I love to win but I don’t hate to lose if I lose I have to go to work to get better so that I will not lose again, some might call it going to the drawing board always room to get better.
Who has been the biggest influence on your life and explain why?
•My mom has been the biggest influence on my life we go through a lot together get over a lot and she is always so strong about and she has instilled that into me. I know I will be a good parent because my mom was.

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