Tampa Bay Buccaneers sent their rookies to an etiquette class

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers were not dumb for selecting Jameis Winston with the first overall pick, and it sounds like they are already trying to show not just Jameis but the others how to act in public, and which utensil to use when at a restaurant. This should work, but it is pretty interesting.
According to Greg Auman of the Tampa Bay Times, the Buccaneers put their rookies through a three-hour etiquette class this week.
“I walked away from there saying ‘What gentlemen, every single one of them,’” said etiquette coach Patricia Rossi, who has worked with other NFL and MLB teams. “You see how sweet they are. These are my favorite. They want to learn. They love it and they engage.”
This is a smart thing for the Buccaneers organization, teach them how to be young men.

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