Are training facilities overrated for NFL Draft prospects? You be the judge….
At NFL Draft Diamonds we like to throw out some information that other websites do not talk about. Some players believe they need to be trained with the best of the best, while others believe they can get the same training at their college.
Today the report came out which listed the NFL Draft picks from each round and where they trained at. I happened to find the list on Bommarito’s facebook page, and thought it was interesting. While many players feel they need top of the line training, others are making it to the NFL at the same rate by just training at their schools.
This list shows that training at school can do the same thing as training with the best of the best facilities. Here is the list, and I know what many agents are going to say. Pretty interesting things, considering training at school came in 5th overall.

NFL Draft Diamonds was created to assist the underdogs playing the sport. We call them diamonds in the rough. My name is Damond Talbot, I have worked extremely hard to help hundreds of small school players over the past several years, and will continue my mission. We have several contributors on this site, and if they contribute their name and contact will be in the piece above. You can email me at