Coaches are sometimes worse than Agent, Trust me KIDS
Today I read a story on Ha Ha Clinton Dix, who was recently suspended from the team. Well that suspension came from something that Clinton Dix did that the NCAA considers wrong. Over the summer, Clinton Dix was robbed and he needed money. He went to his strength and conditioning coach and asked if there was any way he could get a small loan. The coach gave him a loan, and even though he paid it back and it was over with, he was still suspended. The coach was placed on an administrative leave.
First rule period, Don’t take money from anyone, NOT even your coaches.
Well the NCAA ruled it a violation because it could have been deemed that it was a player/agent relationship. Well here is another reason you need to read this:
There are players each and every year that are told by their HEAD coaches that they cannot speak to agents. They are told that if they are not talking with their agent they are going to be benched, that they will sit them or hold them out of their pro days. I have heard it all over the past few years.
I had a player who is in the NFL right now tell me a few years ago, that his head coach pulled him in the office and told him that he had to meet with his agent. The player said that both his parents and family were going to be in on the decision, which is fine, but not necessary. Well the coach in return told the player that if he didn’t at least sit down and listen to his agent’s presentation, he would be benched for the remainder of the season.
The player talked to the agent, and listened to his presentation, but at the end of the day IT IS WRONG.
Some coaches are the most corrupt people out there, and that bad, especially when you think about some of the crooks in the world. These coaches will tell you that they will be there for you forever, they will help you, they will guide you. Call them when you need them, That’s BS kids.
Not many people are going to help you for free, and actually try to do it the right way. There are some wild agents out there, but their are also some very good agents. I would suggest to you that if your coach tells you that you have to talk to their agent, talk to them. It will not hurt you, but at the end of the day, IT IS NOT AN OBLIGATION. It is your choice. If you don’t get to the NFL or get a shot, you can blame yourself not your coach.

NFL Draft Diamonds was created to assist the underdogs playing the sport. We call them diamonds in the rough. My name is Damond Talbot, I have worked extremely hard to help hundreds of small school players over the past several years, and will continue my mission. We have several contributors on this site, and if they contribute their name and contact will be in the piece above. You can email me at