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New York Giants will appear on Hard Knocks

New York Giants will appear on Hard Knocks
New York Giants will appear on Hard Knocks

In the 100th season of the New York Giants they will be under the camera eye. The New York Giants will star in Hard Knocks a new spin of the HBO series.

John Mara was not very pumped based on what he’s had to say about the program in the past.

In 2010, New York Giants owner John Mara made it very clear he had no interest in having his team appear on Hard Knocks, saying it will happen “when I’m next to my father in Gates of Heaven cemetery.”

Well, his team will be on the show this year!

However, on Wednesday, the NFL announced the first-ever offseason version of Hard Knocks will be airing on HBO on July 2nd and will revolve around Mara’s Giants.

This should be fun!


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