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Judge rules Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones must take paternity test

Judge rules Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones must take paternity test
Judge rules Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones must take paternity test

A judge has just ruled that Jerry Jones the Dallas Cowboys owner must take a paternity test to determine if he is the biological father of a 27-year-old woman who filed suit against him in 2022.

This lawsuit has been going on for a while, and claims that claims Jones and her mother had a relationship during the mid-1990s.

A Texas judge on Wednesday rejected an appeal from Jones of a 2022 ruling in a paternity case brought by Alexandra Davis, who previously alleged in a separate lawsuit that she was conceived from a relationship Jones had with her mother in the mid-1990s.

Jones and his wife, Gene, were married in 1963. They have three children and all have front office roles with the Cowboys. Jerry Jones, 81, is the team president and general manager.


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