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2024 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Aaron Allen, QB, Alcorn State University

Aaron Allen, QB, Alcorn State University
Aaron Allen the elusive quarterback from Alcorn State University recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds scout Justin Berendzen.
  • Name: Aaron Allen
  • Position: QB
  • College: Alcorn State University
  • Height: 6’1”
  • Weight: 200 lbs
  • X (Twitter): @iceyaaron
  • Instagram: @getactive4x

What made you decide you wanted to be a football player?

I have always loved the game ever since I was young. Growing up my Dad really taught me everything I know. Hearing his stories of him playing WR at Indiana back in the day influenced me to be great as well. I have always been very gifted and decided a long time ago this is what I was going to do due to my love of the game. I don’t just like football but I love it.

What are your favorite moments from your football life?

Surely the comeback victory my sophomore year at La Tech vs UAB at home. Lead a 90 yard 2 minute drive to tie it and win in OT. This year at Alcorn it was senior night vs Southern as I had a dominating performance playing in my last game at home. Over 260 yards through the air and 3 touchdowns.

What are you looking to achieve as a football player going forward?

Going forward I intend to make an active NFL roster and work my way up the depth chart. My goal is to win a Super Bowl one day.

Which one of your family members inspires you the most and why?

My mother. Her determination and hustle is unmatched. I’ve seen her work a lot of long days to make ends meet and provide for us. I appreciate everything she does and her constant support.

If you could hang out with any football player past or present for a day who and why?

If I could hang out with any football player for a day it would probably be Warren Moon. As the only black QB to ever be inducted into the NFL hall of fame, I think that is pretty remarkable. I would ask him how he overcame all of the trials to get to where he is today and what it took to get there.

What is your favorite offensive scheme and why?

Deep choice. Giving the receiver options based off of coverage. When ran correctly it can’t be stopped. Basically taking what the defense give you with the ability to strike deep at any moment.

What should we know about Aaron Allen the person?

I’m genuine and I often times put others before myself. My family mean the most to me and I will do anything for them. I motivate and uplift anyone who is around me.

What stands out about your film the most?

My accuracy and deep ball ability. Movement in the pocket while keeping eyes down field. Throwing on the run and taking off when needed.

How do you handle challenges both in life and on the football field?

I go to God first and ask him to handle the things I can’t control. I focus on remaining positive regardless of the situation. I see things through to the very end cause I know they will always work out in my favor.

What would a team get in a player like you?

A guy that shows up to work everyday excited to learn and grow. Motivate and lead those around me to be the best they can. You will get someone who is relentless in everything they do. Won’t take no for an answer and will always give others the utmost respect while demanding mine.

What do you love the most about the game of football?

I love the preparation leading up until the game and then game day. You work hard all week to finally get that pay off on game day.

Who is the most underrated player you’ve played with and why?

Probably Adam Bazan. My favorite target back in high school. Played in the slot. He was fast, had good hands, and just had a vision for finding open grass. Very explosive with the ball in his hands.


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