Eastern Michigan football player gives up his scholarship to his walk-on teammate

This may be the best story on the internet right now!
An Eastern Michigan football player named Brian Dooley surprised his teammate Zack Conti when he gave him his scholarship.
Dooley approached EMU head coach Chris Creighton and told him what he wanted to do and coach found a way to facilitate the move.
“He said, ‘Coach, that guy has earned it. And I’ve talked this over with my family and the whole bit, and if there is a way to make this happen, I am willing to give up my scholarship and to give it to Zack Conti,'” said Creighton.
Conti is an offensive lineman from Trenton, who has had to pay his way through school for years. The offensive lineman has sold plasma to make ends meet, but he will not have to do it anymore.
His teammate Brian Dooley talked to his family and decided to give his scholarship up for the big offensive lineman.
Dooley officially handed Conti his scholarship in front of the entire team on Thursday after practice.
This right here should be viral! What a moment!

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