2024 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Brock Carter, DB, University of Dubuque

- Name: Brock Carter
- Position: DB
- College: University of Dubuque
- Height: 5’1100
- Weight: 201
- Twitter: @brockcarter39
- Instagram: @mr.carter_6
What makes you a top prospect at your position in the 2024 NFL Draft?
What makes me a top prospect is just my pure athletic ability. Coming out of college when looking at numbers you can check off all the boxes. From speed to explosiveness, to strength, all the way down to durability. I would say what makes me a top prospect at my position is my versatility. I played everywhere on the field from safety, corner to nickel. Having the ability to come down press anyone but also playing hash to hash is a great benefit. All while having the size to tackle any running back. My size playing at 201 makes it really easy for me to come into the box as a nickel and compete in there like a backer, with my speed making me able to play catch against any slot. What makes me a top prospect is my overall football IQ and being able to process film this helps me to be able to understand route concepts as it develops. With being able to do this it helps me play faster and smother. Such as knowing down and distance, and what’s there to expect throughout the field from a team. From coming out, too shot zone, too high red zone to low red zone. Processing what’s coming from a team gives me an advantage while playing.
At what age were you first interested in the sport of football?
I was first interested in football when I was in first grade. I remember when My older brother Brett who was two grades above me at the time in third grade. Brett wanted to play football and me looking up to him and us always competing of course that meant that I wanted to play football. From there is all she wrote.
What is one thing that NFL teams should know about you?
My passion. I am a very passionate player. Loving what you do and the people you’re around tends to come with some passion. Wanting to do the best you can, wanting to be the best. With that comes a lot of competition. I hate losing I am very passionate about this game and when it comes to losing and winning. Obviously in a healthy way. Constantly striving for perfection doing everything I can. Not because I have to but because I get too. I love every second of the sweat I give to this sport.
If you could donate to one cause in the world, what would it be?
If I could donate to one cause in the world it would be to St. Judes Children Research Hospital which is a hospital to help families pay for treatment for their children who may have a serious illnesses or life threatening illnesses such as cancer. I would donate here because I am a big advocate for the innocent. I believe that children are innocent lives that have no say of what kind of environment that they are brought into. Saying this because if they are in a life with a family that can’t afford life saving treatment that they shouldn’t see the short end of the stick nor should their family.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
The best advice I have every received is that, Nothing in life is promised except death and if I have the opportunity to play this game of life, that I need to appreciate every moment. That a lot of people don’t appreciate their moment until its past.
Who was your childhood hero?
My childhood hero is my dad. Remember so many things that he gave up for me and my family. From big things such as fixing his car or food on his plate, all the way to the shirt off his back sometimes. I remember thousands of footballs thrown to me and my brother to even to throwing baseball pitches tell the sun goes down. All at the same time working two jobs, and and keeping up with the house and four children.
Who is the most underrated teammate in your locker room at your school?
One name comes to mind when I think about the most underrated player at my school I think of Ryker Strong. Ryker is a big body guy weighing in at 220 and measuring in at 6’3. For his body type he big, strong and powerful. He is a WR with the speed to line up outside and running go bowls or stock blocking any wide receiver out the gym. Also coming and lining up as a TE to wither block or running routes and motioning out the back field.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest bet peeve is people complaining about where they’re at and what they’re doing. I believe that you can control not only your attitude but also where you are at. I hear everywhere I go about classes, jobs, and even football. I just think that if you don’t want to be somewhere or doing something then just change it. When you think about it if you are really were you “have” to be you tend to have a lot more gratitude and be more appreciative of were you are at.
Overcoming adversity is what defines character, what was the hardest moment in your life to overcome?
The hardest moment I had to overcome was probably my speech impediment growing up as a kid. When I was a kid I had to to be taken to a different school everyday once a day to take a class with a speech therapist. I remembered one specific moment in fourth grade having to move schools almost begging my mom to stay at the school I was at because I had developed friends there that could understand me. With the speech impediment it was bad enough that only a select group of people in life could understand me and moving school just killed my social life. Well with he help of my mom she pushed me to overcome that fear. She pushed me to eventually almost completely get rid of my speech impediment.
Tell me something about your school and why it is so special to you?
My school is special to me because of the people that go there. I go to s smaller school with that you get to know almost everyone who attends the school. This made it great o discover new people and things that you wouldn’t originally get at a larger school. It’s the relationship that it has allowed me to gain from going to the University of Dubuque. On top of that its has giving me an opportunity to learn how to leave away from family on your own. It has grown to be my home away from home making it special in my heart. It really feels like a second home.
What is your favorite snack food?
Has to be the rainbow Air Head Extremes or Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
What is the best part of football?
The best part of football is the family aspect you develop when you are on a team. The fact that people from all sorts of back ground are able to come together and achieve unthinkable things with one another. Sure there’s some competition involve and some tempers flare but at the end of the day everyone is family. Thats exactly what it is a family. Having that many people to have to watch your back is a great feeling. To know that you have people surrounding you that is looking our for your best interest.
If you could sell yourself in one sentence what would you say?
You may not call me the best yet but you will be by the end of this whole thing.
If you could compare your play to one player in the NFL who would it be?
I would compare myself to two different players in the NFL. First being Kenny Moore. Just with the heart he plays with. I would like to say I bring the same kind of heart to the table. Same kind of will and want that he has. Him being able to play to his ability knowing what he brings to the table. That’s just football IQ its smart. The other person is CJ Gardner Johnson. The style of play that he bring being able to come in at Nickel back playing catch on these wide receivers. Also being able to blitz causing havoc in the backfield. I would even compare my ability to run read from the post looking at specifically probably one of the biggest hit in the league last year that he made in the Super Bowl on the chiefs running back Pacheco.
If you could have dinner with three people dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Three people that I would like to have dinner with, Elon musk, Martin Luther King, and my grandpa. I would have dinner with Elon Musk just because even with some of the crazy stuff he says he’s like the Einstein of how time when it comes to space travel. I mean who would have thought to themselves that they want to send people to mars. That’s pretty freaking cool. Martin Luther King because I would like to have a conversation about courage and what it meant to him while fighting for equal rights. And asking him about I have a dream speech I think would be one of the coolest moments to ask for. Lastly is my grandpa. My grandpa who I call PaPa died a few years back and it would be nice to have a conversation updating him on what’s going on in my life and just getting advice from him seeing his insight.

NFL Draft Diamonds was created to assist the underdogs playing the sport. We call them diamonds in the rough. My name is Damond Talbot, I have worked extremely hard to help hundreds of small school players over the past several years, and will continue my mission. We have several contributors on this site, and if they contribute their name and contact will be in the piece above. You can email me at nfldraftdiamonds@gmail.com