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2023 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Chancellor Brewington, TE/WR, University of Nebraska

Chancellor Brewington, TE/WR, University of Nebraska
Chancellor Brewington the standout tight end/wide receiver from the University of Nebraska recently sat down with NFL Draft Diamonds scout Justin Berendzen.
  • Name: Chancellor Brewington
  • Position: TE/WR
  • College: University of Nebraska
  • Height: 6’2”
  • Weight: 230 lbs
  • Twitter: @chancellorbrew1
  • Instagram: @c_breww7

What made you decide you wanted to be a football player?

I started playing football my sophomore year in high school. I grew up a baseball and basketball player. I always wanted to play football because of the physicality. My uncle and grand-dad played in NFL, I also wanted to follow in their footsteps. And seeing the older guys in high school always going to state championships, I wanted to be apart of it.

What are you looking to achieve as a football player going forward?

I want to play in NFL and contribute to helping an organization win football games. I also want to open a lane for a unique play style that I have. Being able to line up multiple places on the field and get my job done.

If you could hang out with any football player past or present for a day who and why?

Ray Lewis. He had podcast called tackling life with Dr. Christian Conte. They talked about different areas in life that people struggle in and a lot about his career. I learned a lot about him and would love to pick his brain on certain subjects. And just hear some battle stories from his playing days. Also he is a follower of Jesus Christ and has a great testimony.

What are your favorite moments from your football life?

Favorite football moments so far have been my first collegiate touchdown and beating Iowa to end my college career.

Which one of your family members inspires you the most and why?

I take a little bit from all of them. My mom is my rock and is probably where I get my passion and obsessive traits from to just what to get better in all aspects in life. She is a true hustler. My older sister is strong willed and dedicated to whatever shes doing. My father is the athlete who made it to MLB and had to really fight to get there and has given me those some traits. My youngest sister has a special confidence and faith to her.

What is your favorite offensive scheme and why?

I’m a fan of zone run schemes we ran a lot of them at Nebraska, there’s a bunch of different ways to get them and different personnels you can run them out of, also a bunch of play actions off those zone run looks. In the pass game I’m a fan of half field concepts. You have 1 high/ 2 high/ quarters reads pre snap on each side. Which can make things easy for the quarterback for efficient completions.

What should we know about Chancellor Brewington the person?

I’m a God-fearing man in following Christ first and foremost. I love to see others around me succeed. I’ve had to fight for everything I’ve had and I’m willing to continue to do that. My worth ethic is a gift in my eyes and something I don’t take for granted. And with faith, I believe many doors will be opened. And lastly I’m really a football player at heart I could talk more with someone for hours and hours on end and it be the highlight of my day. I really miss the game when I’m away from it and when I’m playing it, there’s a different type of joy that’s inside of me and I’ve had this taken away from me plenty of times, so when I’m playing it is something I value and don’t take for granted.

What stands out your film the most?

Physicality and effort. Also when I do get the ball I’m running hard making the first guy miss.

How do you handle challenges both in life and on the football field?

In life I go to God first with them. And in football it’s always next play. And work wins always just don’t stop going above and beyond because that’s what got you here.

What would a team get in a player like you?

A player who buys into culture and puts his head down and works. Someone who takes pride in what they do no matter what role is assigned. As an athlete I am versatile I lined up at tight-end attached, wing, fullback, slot and out wide. So I have a great feel for game and I don’t mind doing the dirty work.

What do you love the most about the game of football?

Definitely the physicality I also appreciate how there’s a lot of life lessons depending on the way you choose to look at it.

Who is the most underrated player you’ve played with and why?

Case Cookus from my days at NAU. He is one of the best players in the USFL right now. Best QB I’ve ever thrown with to this day, he made things look effortless.


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