Buffalo Bills and NFL donate 400,000 dollars to support community impacted by mass shooting

The Buffalo Bills Foundation and NFL Foundation are combining to donate $400,000 to local response efforts following last Saturday’s shooting at a Buffalo supermarket.
The Buffalo Bills announced they placed 200,000 dollars in the Buffalo Together Community Response Fund, which will address topics including issues that have marginalized communities of color.
“On behalf of the Buffalo Together Community Response Fund, we are most grateful for the generous contributions from the Buffalo Bills Foundation and the National Football League Foundation that will allow us to create real change and emerge from the darkness of this heinous act,” Clotilde Perez-Bode Dedecker, president and CEO of the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, said in a statement. “This Fund is a partnership to build upon the collective desire to take action and to work together as a community to address immediate needs, long-term rebuilding and systemic issues that continue to marginalize communities of color.”
The Bills are also donating 200,000 dollars to nonprofits working on emergency response efforts to help the East Side community in Buffalo.
The Bills players and former Bills players are working together to help raise money to support the families of the shooting victims.

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