Former NFL football player using “Stand Your Ground” defense in murder trial | Will he get the same treatment as George Zimmerman?

Stand Your Ground first was talked about in the George Zimmerman case and the killing of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida. Zimmerman was released even though he followed Martin through the neighborhood and eventually shot the young man killing him.
Well, fast forward a few years and Travis Rudolph the former NFL wide receiver is trying to have his charges dismissed by using the Stand Your Ground defense.
Travis Rudolph, 26, was charged with first-degree murder and attempted murder in a deadly shooting in Lake Park, Florida that happened April 7, 2021
The former Giants wide-out shot and killed Sebastian Jean-Jacques, 21. The police report says that several men went to Rudolph’s home to discuss an argument he had with his girlfriend earlier in the day.
Jean-Jacques died in a car a few blocks from the home where the shooting happened. Another person was wounded in the shooting.
In the State of Florida, Stand Your Ground has worked in the past, will Rudolph get the same treatment as Zimmerman?

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