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Star High School North Carolina RB facing 60 years for first degree sex offense and kidnapping of a 15-year-old

If convicted Bryson Peters a star running back for North Buncombe High School in North Carolina could face 60 years in prison.

North Buncombe High School star running back Bryson Josiah Peters, 18, has been arrested for a sex offense in connection with an incident at the school.

Peters appeared this week in front of a judge wearing a black hoodie. Bryson has been charged with attempted first-degree sex offense and first-degree kidnapping, facing 60 years in prison for the two offenses.

According to Warrants obtained by News 13 in North Carolina regarding the incident state an alleged victim was sexually assaulted, restrained and terrorized. Another warrant states the alleged attacks happened between Sept. 1-30 of 2021. The warrants didn’t state if the alleged victim was a boy or girl, only that the individual was under the age of 16. 

Peters bond was reduced Friday from $250,000 to $45,000. Peters will be released to his parents custody, if the bond is paid.

He will have an 8 p.m. curfew unless he is with his parents and can have no contact with the victim. The victim was 15 at the time of the incident and the incident happened from September 1st-September 30. The victim was 15 at the time of the acts and it does not state whether the victim is a boy or a girl due to their age.

If convicted and charged with the maximum penalty he could spend damn near the rest of his life in prison.

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