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2021 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Jack Badovinac, OG, Colgate University

Jack Badovinac Colgate
Two-time All Patriot League First Team Offensive Lineman, Jack Badovinac, recently sat down with Draft Diamonds writer Jimmy Williams.
  • Name: Jack Badovinac
  • Height: 6’2”
  • Weight: 290 lbs
  • Position: OG
  • College: Colgate University
  • Twitter: @jackbadovinac21

Tell us about your university/college. Did you participate in any other activities or campus organizations other than football?

Colgate is a smaller FCS school in Hamilton, New York which is a small town in Upstate NY. It has very strong academics along with a tight knit group of people, and an amazing alumni network. I am a member of Colgate Christian Athletes.

How did you end up at Colgate University?

I was offered my Junior year of high school, which was the year after they came off the big playoff run in 2015 when they beat JMU and won the Patriot League title. This being said,  I knew Colgate was a winning program, and they had a strong culture that prioritized championships which was extremely attractive to me. Along with that, the highly touted academic side of Colgate was another huge priority for me. 

What do your teammates say is your best quality?

Accountability and work ethic

What kind of role do you see yourself in on the team? What scheme and/or position suits your skill set?

I see myself as someone who is a leader and someone that guys can lean on in any tough situation.  As far as scheme goes, my best skill set is being able to pull and trap block and our scheme has many opportunities for the guards to pull which I love

Who is the best player you have ever played against in college?

Bill Murray, the D-lineman from William and Mary.

Which one of your teammates impresses you the most?

Grant Breneman.  He is extremely intelligent and knows the offense like the back of his hand, along with being able to read a defense instantaneously.  He can see a defense and within two seconds, he can check to an audible that will give us the best chance to make a play.

Describe a time in your life when you were able to overcome a struggle.

Last season, we were coming off a huge season in 2018 where we won the Patriot League and had a big playoff run and then in 2019, we started 0-7. Nobody on the team, including myself, expected that type of start, and we had to rally and finish the season. We ended up winning our last 4 out of 5 games and gave us some momentum going into the offseason.

What is something that you are most proud of? What would you say is your biggest achievement?

I’m proud of being named to the First Team All Patriot League for 2 years in a row, along with an All American honor. My biggest achievement is being able to play Division 1 football on full scholarship at a great academic university. Being shorter as an offensive lineman, it was harder to get recruited, but I am so thankful that Colgate took a chance on me.

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Describe one of the most memorable plays of your collegiate career.

In the 2018 playoffs against JMU with 3 seconds left in the 4th quarter, the game was tied 20-20.  We had the ball, and we just had made a drive down the field, and now the field goal team was on the field. I was at left guard, the ball was snapped, and I had 3 guys over me. I held on for as long as I could, and then I looked up and saw the ball pass through the goal post as time expired.

If you didn’t play football, what other sport would you play?

I would play baseball. I played baseball my whole life and then up until Junior year of high school, I decided I definitely wanted to play college football so I started to gain a lot more weight and baseball was pretty much out of the picture

What was your major/minor? Other than football, what would be your dream job?

I am a Political Science Major. My dream job is to be a top sports agent

What have you been working on in the off-season?

I have been working a lot on my mobility and explosiveness 

Do you have a favorite athlete or professional team? Is there a player that you model your game after?

My favorite player has always been Tim Tebow. I try to model my game after Tyron Smith. He is such a physical player who is extremely smart, and moves incredibly well

What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies? Do you have any secret talents?

I like to play paintball a lot, and also go to the beach when I have time. I also make some tasty cookies

Why do you play football?

I have grown up around football my whole life. So many of my family members have played.  It also is a game that is so relatable to life and has taught me so many things, things such as how to work hard, overcoming adversity, pushing through when you are at your weakest point

Who or what motivates you the most?

What motivates me the most is my teammates.  We all spend countless hours together, we see each other every day, live with each other, eat with each other, and go through the entire grind of football together. When you see your teammates succeeding, it is uplifting because you have seen how much work they put in, and you become so close with them which makes myself want to push harder and get better.


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