2020 NFL Draft Prospect Interview: Marquis Watson, DB, Post University

- Name: Marquis Watson
- Position: Defensive Back
- College: Post University
- Twitter:@ChiefQuiss17
1. What is your favorite movie?
Any Given Sunday
2. What is your favorite moments from college?
Playing football, while playing Army I had 6 breakups and shut all there recievers down. They targeted me 8 times and 0 completions.
3. What is your favorite dinner?
Macaroni and cheese with fried chicken
4. What is your mindset when you are on the football field?
Best person on the team, how I can help my team anyway I can and lock receivers down all day.
5.What is your dream car?
Dodge Hellcat
6. If you could live anywhere in the world where and why?
Argentina, I like the culture its like a new world down there. My favorite soccer player is from Argentina .
7.If you were on an island and could only have three things which three things would you have?
Boat to get off of the island, unlimited supply of food and lots of money for when I get to another island.
8.Who is your favorite musical artist?
Nipsey Hussle
9.So Post university are the Eagles so what eagle traits do you have?
Eagle trait would be I’m very swift.
10.What is your favorite tv show?
My Wife and Kids
11.What do you do for fun?
Spend time with family, workout and play video games
12.What would a team get in a player like you?
Very intelligent, gonna play hard, all four downs all the time, want to learn and make my team better.
13.What is your favorite dessert?
14. If you were an animal which animal would you be and why?
Tiger, pretty fast and I like the way they hunt.

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